Total Medals Earned: 747 (From 141 different games.) Total Medal Score: 12,495 Points
Medals Earned: 11/11 (110/110 points)
Fly to the cosmic garbage
Fly to the balloon
Fly to the UFO
49 Day Ago
Fly to the Moon
Hit 5 crows
Hit 5 balloons
Hit 5 satellites
Use 5 accelerators during one flight
Collect 5 jerrycans during one flight
Fly to the helicopter
Medals Earned: 1/9 (25/500 points)
Defend the weak.
Bully the weak.
Bully your own boss.
Real cowboys spit a lot.
Become one with the desert
Find the adult pleasure.
Sometimes it's ok to lose your head over something.
Walk around (almost) naked.
Complete the Game.
Medals Earned: 1/5 (10/160 points)
kill the first boss
find and kill a miniboss
buy somethign in the shop
Kill the second boss
find it
Medals Earned: 11/20 (155/480 points)
Send Wrong Order
Finish First Day
Add 2011 Calendar to Store Inventory
Add Tankmen Figurine to Store Inventory
Add Castle Crasher Figurine to Store Inventory
Add Hip-Hop 2010 CD to Store Inventory
Add MeatBoy Game to Store Inventory
Add Newgrounds Poster to Store Inventory
Add Tankmen Poster to Store Inventory
Add Penicorn to Store Inventory
Add Mystery Box to Store Inventory
Send Newgrounds Into the Red
Finish Fast
All Orders Correct For First 15 Days
Completely Fill Many Boxes
Completely Fill 3x3x3 Box
Work Through A Full Month
Earn $10,000.00
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 1/19 (5/395 points)
Deal at least 9000 damage in a single attack.
Free the planet Marcury from the Euphony gods.
Free the planet Sars from the Euphony gods
Visit our sponsor by clicking on one of the in-game links.
Reach a max overcharge combo.
Free the planet Jupitupe from the Euphony gods.
Free the planet Narpdarp from the Euphony gods.
Free the planet Satamalat from the Euphony gods.
Unlock the Audyssey Jukebox
Reach the maximum level.
Free the planet Penos from the Euphony gods.
Free the planet Plutoo from the Euphony gods.
Free your home planet, Qweezleqwozzle, from the Euphony gods.
Free the Malky Way from the Euphony gods.
Achieve 12 gold runs (beating a stage with no lives lost).
Beat every stage in the game (including credits).
Get a gold run on every single stage in the game (including credits).
Medals Earned: 15/50 (115/500 points)
Medals Earned: 1/8 (5/390 points)
Beat the crap out of the first opponent!
Beat the crap out of the second opponent!
Beat the crap out of the third opponent!
Smash a lucky gummy in each of the 4 zones!
Break through the giant safe and retrieve your wallet!
Travel a minimum of 15,000 meters in "Survival" mode!
Upgrade everything to the max!
Complete all missions!
Medals Earned: 4/10 (125/500 points)
As a wicked thief you need to steal at the very least 100 gold, no?!
The first robo enters the chase! Troubled now?!
The star enters the show finally! Care for your life!
A selfish and ambitious thief needs to steal 200 gold!
Collect ten of them! There are needed more right?!
The second robo enters the chase! That's sure trouble!
Can you reach to where the ufo shows?! Can you?!
Buy all upgrades! You're a beast now!
Too tired to explain! Just go for Santa!
Medals Earned: 6/10 (105/315 points)
Die before beating Luis.
Defeat Luis' 1st form.
Defeat Luis' 2nd form.
Find the 2nd alternate ending.
Find the 1st alternate ending.
Defeat Luis' 3rd form.
Escape the cave.
Beat the game in under 200 seconds.
Complete all other achievements!
Medals Earned: 5/6 (55/80 points)
Bounce with a wall for the first time
Get the first + sign
Bounce at least 5 times simultaneously
Collect at least 80 signs
Achieve 5000 experience points
Finish all game tests